Wednesday, 29 October 2008

What we're looking for in a Boro Bootcamper....

At Boro Boot Camp we're looking for approximately 16 participants in our camp.

This camp is literally going to shred away body fat from your body, tone and firm up your muscles, make you stronger and give you better flexibility in just 12 sessions over 4 weeks.

So what are we looking for?

Well, we are looking for people who are extremely serious about making changes. It's a 28 day battle, to give everything you've got, to show your dedication to train and eat smart which will give your body changes which no doubt you've struggled to get over the previous months, maybe years?

You will have to attend every single one of the 12 sessions and follow our nutrition program to the letter throughout this period, if you do this then we guarantee you will see a significant change for fat loss and you will be closer to a body you have no doubt dreamed about.

We want DOERS at Boro Boot Camp, not Talkers. We want people who are sick and tired looking the way they do and demand within themselves to change for the good and to get your results right.

Is this you?

Then excellent. We are here to guide you through you through on your path to a healthier, fitter, and leaner you.

You will see results within the 28 days, if you want to shred away fat from your thighs, mid-sections, upper back etc then why wait?

Take ACTION NOW and finally change for the good, it's why we're here. To help you!

I look forward to seeing the committed at Boro Boot Camp.


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