Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Are you active at this time of year?

I read an interesting piece of information a couple of days back from a magazine article.

"Society gains an average of 12 lbs of fat between Halloween and January 1st".

I'm not sure if it's an actual fact or if it's just a guess, but i bet it's not far from the truth!

Let's say at Halloween you indulge in a few too many sweets, you know, the high sugar, a few drinks etc, etc. Then all your focus becomes on Christmas, you spend you energies on shopping, you think to yourself, "oh I'll leave exercise until New Year", which many do then before you know it Christmas is upon us.

During this time we indulge in all those free sweets, chocolates and cakes, we attend Christmas parties and so on. Then it's New Years Eve. Long night, more drink, more sugary foods that your offered etc, etc.

So before you know it January 1st is here. Looking back i think 12lbs could be the minimum the average person puts on. A couple of months with no exercise regime and a bad diet doesn't equal good results : )

So, after taking this in, come January chances are many of you are going to be in serious need of dropping a dress size at the very least!

Don't make the same mistake as last year, and the year before that. Get signed up to our January camp and get the results you are wanting to achieve.



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